27 juillet 2008

weekly wrapup - 21-27 juillet 2008

  • 1 trillion web pages :
    "We knew the web was big... We've known it for a long time: the web is big. The first Google index in 1998 already had 26 million pages, and by 2000 the Google index reached the one billion mark. Over the last eight years, we've seen a lot of big numbers about how much content is really out there. Recently, even our search engineers stopped in awe about just how big the web is these days -- when our systems that process links on the web to find new content hit a milestone: 1 trillion (as in 1,000,000,000,000) unique URLs on the web at once!" (Official Google Blog)
  • Les outils du KM à l'heure du Web 2.0 :
    "Des widgets sémantiques aux tags, en passant par les flux RSS et les blogs / wikis, la gestion des connaissances se découvre une seconde jeunesse. L'intégration au SI reste toutefois une priorité."

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